Natural air inlet PVC Triple glazed White

VELUX GLU 0061 | everfinish, centre pivot, 3-glass roof window

Alter Preis: 372,71 ( 313,20 excl. VAT and shipping)
335,44 inc. VAT, excl. shipping
(281,88 excl. VAT and shipping) You save: 31,32 (10%)
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GLU CK02 0061

Ships within 1-3 business days after receipt of your payment


Additional products

Flashing for VELUX roof windows Flashing for VELUX roof windows
Insulates around the roof window frame, reducing heat loss and eliminating cold bridges.
74,17 inc. VAT, excl. shipping (62,33 excl. VAT and shipping)

Ships within 1-3 business days after receipt of your payment

VELUX BBX 0000 | Vapour barrier collar VELUX BBX 0000 | Vapour barrier collar
27,64 inc. VAT, excl. shipping (23,23 excl. VAT and shipping)

Ships within 1-3 business days after receipt of your payment

  • Total cost 409,61

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Velux GLU is a manual-top-operated centre-pivot, white finish, wooden roof window with tripple glazing.

It is perfect not only for bathrooms or kitchens (high-humidity rooms), but also for bedrooms and bathrooms. They look elegant and modern, thanks to solid profile covered with a seamless, waterproof polyurethane coating.

This window combines all the features of basic centre-pivot window, with a premium white polyurethane coating to protect the strong wooden core from moisture.

Original GLU centre-pivot everfinish VELUX roof window with the unique top control bar for easy operation. The improved design allows to open and close the window with one hand. The top control bar makes it very easy to open and close the window even with furniture placed directly below. 

GLU window is equipped with integrated ventilation flap. This unique solution lets in fresh air through a dust and insect filter even when the window is closed. Good for rainy days, and ensure a healthy indoor environment.

VELUX ThermoTechnology™

The new generation of VELUX GLU windows incorporates innovative materials and advanced technologies to deliver enhanced comfort, better energy efficiency, and lower heating costs.

With ThermoTechnology™, you benefit from windows that offer optimal protection against heat loss while improving airtightness compared to the previous generation – from Class 3 to Class 4. This improvement significantly boosts insulation performance, reducing energy consumption and enhancing comfort in your home.

A key element of ThermoTechnology™ is the use of thermally modified wood in the frames and sashes of the windows. This process, which involves heating the wood to over 175 °C, reduces its moisture content by up to 50%, making the material more stable and insulating. This method eliminates the need for chemical treatments, rendering the wood more resistant to aging and moisture. The result is a durable, resilient material with properties comparable to cedarwood.

The combination of thermally treated wood and an additional layer of water-resistant polyurethane provides excellent thermal insulation and protection against moisture, wind, and weather conditions. This new technology not only helps reduce your heating costs but also improves energy efficiency and comfort in your attic spaces.

Look for the ThermoTechnology™ seal on VELUX products – it guarantees outstanding thermal insulation for a better living experience.


  • High-quality polyurethane finish;
  • U value of the window = 1,1(W/m2K), U value of the glass = 0,6 (W/m2K)
  • Tripple glazing with warm interframe; hardened external pane
  • Comfortable top control bar for easy operation;
  • Sash rotation by 180° | easy to rotate and clean the outer glass
  • Waterproof and maintenance-free;
  • The unique, integrated ventilation | air flow even when window is closed
  • Dust and insect filter;
  • Thermo Technology | transfers less energy and keeps your home warm;
  • Additional seal;
  • High quality pivot hinges for smooth operation
  • Suitable for roofs with pitches between 15 and 90 degrees (when fitted with correct flashing);
  • Wide range of accessories;
  • Straightforward blind installation with patented mounting brackets
  • 10 years warranty period.

Standard energy glazing (--61)

Extremely energy-saving glazing, which guarantees better energy efficiency and comfort of use. Outer pane - tempered glass with a low-emission coating. Acoustic insulation = Rw-32 dB level - ensures better sleeping conditions.


VELUX flashing: do I really need it?

Flashings are essential for the correct installation of roof windows. Precisely designed flashing details ensure a durable and neat fit with the roofing material used. The purpose of flashing is to ensure good drainage away from the window and to provide protection from the elements.
VELUX offers a range of flashings designed for different roofing materials and provide two options for installation height (standard and recessed).

VELUX offers a range of flashings designed for different roofing materials and provide two options for installation height of the roof window

VELUX flashing: standard or recessed installation?

Recessed installations offer a more sleek, streamlined appearance, sitting 40mm deeper in the roof structure. Recessed installations also offer greater energy efficiency, and when installed with the appropriate VELUX insulation collar actually offer a lower certified u-value, saving energy and providing architects with greater design flexibility.

EDZ 1000 EDW 0000 EDT 1000 EDJ 1000 EDN 1000 EDL 1000 EDS 1000 EDB 1000
Underfelt collar BBX
Included - Included Included Included Included Included Included
Standard Standard Standard Deeper Deeper Standard Standard Standard
Purpose (type of roofing material):
profiled from 1.5 to 4.5 cm height profiled from 1.5 to 12 cm height flat & thick tiles from 1.5 to 4 cm height profiled from 1.5 to 9 cm height  slate, flat roofing materials up to 1.6 cm high (2 x 0.8 cm) slate, flat roofing materials up to 1.6 cm high (2 x 0.8 cm) side parts as layered pieces without standing seams bituminous shingles, flat roofing materials up to 1.6 cm high (2 x 0.8 cm) side parts continuous with standing seams slate, flat roofing materials up to 3.8 cm high (2 x 1.9 cm)
Fitting for roofing material:
Interlocking panel, flat roof tile, flat cremone, reform panel, Frankfurt panel, Taunus panel, flat tile, Heidelberg panel, plain tile in crown covering Monastery tile, monastery tile, monk and nun, Florento tile, Mistral tile, Toledo tile as well as thatch, straw, corrugated sheets 5-, 6-, 8-flute, Berlin wave Koramic Wienerberger Orea 9, Monier Braas Turmalin, Braas Teviva, Braas Reviva, Creaton Domino, Nelskamp Nibra, Wienerberger Koramic Acuta, Erlus Linea and many others. Interlocking tiles, flat roofing tiles, flat clay tiles, reform panels, Frankfurt panels, flat tiles, Heidelberg panels, corrugated sheets 5-, 6-, 8-wave, Berlin wave, plain tiles in crown and double roofing Slate (e.g., rectangular double roofing template), wood shingles, roofing felt, roofing sheets, bituminous shingles, bituminous sheets Slate (e.g. German and old German roofing), wooden shingles, roof panels Double roofing plain tile
Installation type and installation range:
suitable for 20°-90° roof pitches
suitable for 15°-90° roof pitches
suitable for 20°-90° roof pitches
suitable for 20°-90° roof pitches
suitable for 20°-90° roof pitches
suitable for 15°-90° roof pitches
suitable for 15°-90° roof pitches
suitable for 25°-90° roof pitches
Additional insulation products (sold separately):
Insulation frame VELUX BDX 2000 for standard flashings,
and vapour barrier collar VELUX BBX
Insulation frame VELUX BDX 2000F for recessed flashings,
and vapour barrier collar VELUX BBX
Insulation frame VELUX BDX 2000 for standard flashings,
and vapour barrier collar VELUX BBX


Technical specification


Technical specification: GLU 0061
Window U-value: 1,3 W/m²K
Glazing U-value: 1,0 W/m²K
Rw coefficient: 32 dB
Air permeability: Class 4
Glazing: 3-panes
Inert gas filled with panes:  Argon
Total solar energy transmittance, g 0,50
Light transmittance, τv 68%
UV transmittanceτuv 22%
External glass toughened: +
Interior color: White
Exterior color: Gray, RAL 7043
Installation range: 15-90°
Warranty: 10 years
Manufacturer details:
  • VELUX A/S | Platinvej 14 | Kolding 6000 | Denmark |

VELUX glazing technical data

Glazing (--51) (--61) (--64) (--70) (--68) (--66) (--62) (--62D) (--67) (--69) (--70Q) (--82) (--15)
Thermal transmittance
1.0 0.6 0.6 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.7 1.0 0.3 0.7
Amount of
1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 2
Warm TGI spacer
Inert gas
filled panes
Argon Argon Argon Argon Argon Argon Krypton Krypton Krypton Argon Argon Krypton Argon
outer pane
Laminated opaque
inner pane
Safety class X X X P2A P2A P2A P2A P2A P2A P2A P4A P2A P2A
Ornamental X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Enhanced noise
Anti-dew effect X X X X X X X X X
Sound insulation
Rw (dB)
31 32 35 35 35 37 42 44 38 35 35 37 35


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Sehr zuvorkommender und professioneller Service. Die Bestellung wurde zügig abgewickelt und der Kontakt in jeder Phase war ausgezeichnet. Das Fenster überzeugt durch sehr gute Qualität und sorgfältige Verarbeitung. Die Lieferung war optimal gesichert. Den Shop kann ich wärmstens empfehlen!
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Die Fenster sind hervorragend – von ausgezeichneter Qualität und ansprechendem Design. Auch der Eindeckrahmen für Flachdächer überzeugt durch seine erstklassige Verarbeitung.
100% Professionalität … und ich werde mit großer Freude auch in Zukunft in diesem Shop einkaufen.
Ausgezeichnete Qualität, vielen Dank!
Alles verlief reibungslos und exakt wie bestellt. Ich empfehle es uneingeschränkt weiter.
Velux-Dachfenster sind hoch, daher suchte ich nach einem Lieferanten mit annehmbaren Preisen. Zuerst auf ebay fixiert, konnten mich die unzuverlässigen Lieferzeiten mit schwerer Erreichbarkeit der Anbieter nach Bewertungen und eigenen Anschreiben nicht wirklich überzeugen. In einem Hausbauforum hat sich ein Käufer positiv über baubay geäußert. Etwas skeptisch beschloss ich den Anbieter anzurufen, um mich selbst von der Erreichbarkeit zu überzeugen und die Verfügbarkeit abzufragen. Man teilte mir mit, dass die Ware innerhalb von 2 Wochen bei mir sei und die Qualität selbstverständlich dem Hersteller entspricht. Gesagt getan, bestellt per Vorkasse und nach 2 Wochen stand die Spedition vor der Tür. Äusserlich waren beide Pakete auf der Palette unbeschädigt. Beim Auspacken stellte sich heraus, dass beim Transport ein schweres Paket auf den Eindeckrahmen gefallen ist. Den Schaden bei baubay gemeldet und die weitere Vorgehensweise abgestimmt, wurde ein paar Tage später Ersatzware geliefert. Das Velux-Dachfenster war schnell eingebaut. Verglichen mit der Velux-Ausführung aus dem Jahr 2003 an keiner Stelle vergleichbar. Die Qualität ist einwandfrei, die 3-fach-Verglasung mit entsprechender Dichtungstechnik unterscheidet sich deutlich von der 2-fach-Verglasung. Die Bedienelemente und Ausführung des Zubehörs wie Eindeckung, Dämmrahmen etc sind vorbildlich. Hervorzuheben ist die Montageanleitung von Velux die jeder Lieferung mehrfach beiliegt und den Einbau einfach gestaltet. Baubay hat sich von der Beratung über die Abwicklung, Lieferung und Ersatzlieferung als absolut freundlicher und verlässlicher Partner gezeigt. In heutige Zeiten muss es nicht immer der Händler vor Ort mit Listenpreisen und typisch deutschen Vorgaben sein. In Anlehnung meiner Erfahrung kann ich uneingeschränkt empfehlen und werde auch selbst wieder dort kaufen.
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